Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy 2-month birthday, Faithy! :)

We're having a beautiful weekend over here... hopefully I'll get my hands on a stroller soon so we can start getting out for walks. Faith has been frisky lately, as you can tell by the video :) She's getting nice and chubby again and she has a lot more energy. Faith isn't completely over her cold but I think she's feeling a lot better now. She has been more wheezy since getting this cold, so I've had to increase her Prednisolone again (which I was trying to ween her off of). But as you can see, she is doing fairly well! I'm so excited about her turning 2 months old...

Grammy and I have done her last 2 dressing changes by ourselves, which is something we never thought we could or would do. It takes us a bit of time, but we're doing ok with it. I'm the one who takes off her old bandage and cleans everything and applies the new dressing, and my mom does the preparation and holds Faith in a sitting position while I work away, and she rolls the gauze around (something I think she'd be better at than me). So we have a system down... it's just a matter of getting used to that routine and getting more comfortable with it each time we do it. I'm happy that we have tomorrow off! We're doing it every second day now.

A friend I met through an online anencephaly support forum, PJ, recently had her baby boy. Baby Seth was born on Thursday morning and passed away later that evening. PJ must be dealing with a lot right now, as she's also recovering from her c-section. I cannot even imagine what she is going through... Please keep her and her family in prayer.

Thanks for checking in... I'll try to post again real soon!